Class Rules
Arrive 10 minutes before class starts ( DO NOT ENTER the room between the prayer)
Be aware of your space, place your mat at a designated spot, and if you are regularly students, please place your mat at a different spot on each class.Keep the class environment quiet and serene, with minimize conversation. Take the time to sit or lay in meditation, and prepare your body and mind for the practice.Be gentle and respectful in your communication. Be kind and respect others, And avoid talking or causing disruption during class, if you have a question, discreetly get the teacher's attention.Mind your personal hygiene. Take a shower before practice and use a clean cloth, towel and yoga mat. Do not wear heavy perfumes or scents.All belongings can be placed on the place provided, including your phone (please turn to silent).Wear comfortable clothing, but nothing that is overly revealing , as this could be a distraction for beginner students. During practice, avoiding drinking water is good for your own health.Tell your teacher about any injuries.While practicing, always listen to your body, don't go over your limit. Always remember that your body is your responsibility.
Enjoy your practice and share your experience, Hari Om.