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Course Testimonial

Course Testimonial Azahar Martin Sanchez testimoni course adj  azahar
Azahar Martin Sanchez
January 19th, 2018

This two months Adjustment Course has been one of the most beautiful journeys I've ever done. Balu has a very accurate, organized and methodical way of teaching and he's very committed to what he does. The fact that the group of students was small allowed him to stablish a deep connection with each of us. He took some time to know everyone;and he found and understood everyone's unique personality, weakness, strengths etc and worked towards the goal of making every single one of us learn and grow He knows exactly what you are capable of doing, and that's why he'll make you work very (very) hard. Through all this process he listens to his heart and intuition and mixes this with his wide knowledge. And this three things together makes students become better yoga practitioners, better teachers, and most important of all:better persons I have the the feeling that he "polished" my heart and made it shine brighter Thank you,always Azahar
Course Testimonial Claudinha Papilia testimoni  course
Claudinha Papilia
February 18th, 2018

Feedback Adjustmentcourse. I feel very happy and fortunate to have been in Balu's presence and able to receive his teachings during the adjustmentcourse. His dedication and love he carries for each student is a true example for me of how i want to grow as a teacher. I feel i growed so much in a very short time. I feel he really cares for us and he is so happy to see us students grow. I can feel Balu has a lot of experience. He builded the quality to read his students minds and bodylanguage very well. Thats why he is able to teach the students on a personal and deep level. He can see the weakness and strenght and works with every person in a different way. The Adjustmentcourse was very intense. Balu is putting so much heart in his teachings that the students cannot be anything else then serious. We are not just another student paying for a training, he really wants us to grow and learn. I seriously feel its my duty to keep practicing and sharing what he taught me. It was not a training in which you learn just adjustments, he touched something in all of our hearts and minds. The first month the focus was more on the adjustments themselves. Balu made sure everyone of us knew the adjustments well. Altough there was no certificate i never had such strict examination before. Every week everyone has to show the adjustments to Balu in front of him. He makes sure we dont make mistakes and he has the patience to give us feedback on each and single adjustment. It was a lot to learn fast, so im happy he was so strict, if else i would have forgotten all. This course requires such a focus, that every student who is dedicated will get the best out of it. Another thing is Trust he is giving us. Already in the first month Balu gave us the opportunity to adjust his students in his ledclass. This experience was amazing and a great way to remember and practice the adjustments. Like this we see how it is to work with different bodies and we learn what adjustment we need to use on who. After every class Balu gave us very detailed feedback again, every single time to every student. The second month we we learned dropbacks and Sanscript counting. I loved this period the most, because i could feel Balu opening up even more.It was a very personal and intime experience between students and teacher. We were a true team. I never forget this amazing moments in my life. Sanscript counting is a hard job for someone who didnt study for a long time, it needs a lot of effort for the mind. It was not easy but it was so worth it to learn. It changed my practice completely. Its like a long mantra to do while you practice.Its beautifull and keeps thinking away. The most valuable lessons we got was when Balu got together with us and told us his life experiences, his teaching experiences. He never wrote anywhere that we would get philosofy or art of teaching classes, but he was giving us this subjects in his talks. In the second month all of us were regularly adjusting the entire ledclass and Balu would still give us feedback every time. His feedback is never about saying your doing good, he also sees where you can improve, he is always creating to make everyone a better person and teacher. He would not stop and say: now you did perfect. There is always space for improvement. I guess this makes him a great teacher, students will always learn more. Thats why i will keep coming back !