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Ashtanga Adjustment Course

Ashtanga Adjustment Course Ashtanga Adjustment Course  ~blog/2023/3/30/2c42aa19 35b1 47f0 9854 5d22c69ee7d4
Ashtanga Adjustment Course Ashtanga Adjustment Course
Ashtanga Adjustment Course
Date : 16th Nov to 5th Dec 2025, or
22th Feb to 13th March, 2026
Location : Arambol - Goa, India
(Click on the picture for more info)

Objectives :
This course focuses on two perspectives:

1. Providing adjusments for improvement
2. Providing adjustments to avoid injury

Observing the limitations of the student's body and mind for what is good for them that we can provide.

Creating new sequences
for individual improvement according to their needs.

Study on your own to understand your body's stage and to take the time and energy for your specific achievement.

Students of this course will be able to lead the Ashtanga Vinyasa Primary Series class, Providing Alignments, Demonstrations, Instructions, and Hands-on Adjustments.

We focus on IMPROVEMENT not on PROOF!

If you want to have a new experience with us, you are very welcome!

The Topics of this course :
- Birth of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga
 - Surya Namaskar A & B
- Standing and Sitting Asanas
- Finishing Asanas
- Drop Back & Back Up Hands-On
- Assisting Led class & feedback

Note :
Yoga practice for Health, Peace, Life, Happiness and Universal.
There are two types of Yoga Practitioners:
1. Practicing yoga focuses only on the sequence of asanas, regardless of whether the body is ready or not, and whether modifications are needed for certain asanas.
2. Practicing yoga for personal life universally, not just for performing certain asanas.

We choose the 2nd type of Yoga Practitoner, because for us, " YOGA FOR MY LIFE not MY LIFE FOR YOGA ", so according to the body stage, age and needs, we do asana alignment and modification for better health and improvement.

To join this course, please book in advance!

If you need more information, please contact us.

For more information please click